This is a Call for Papers for the next Annual BATJ Conference, to be held on 9th and 10th September 2022 at Cardiff University.
All abstracts must be received by Saturday, 30 April 2022. The keynote speaker will be Dr Nana Sato-Rossberg, SOAS, University of London.
Submission deadline: Saturday, 30 April 2022 General enquiries: Dr Miho Inaba <chair @> Eligibility: You (and your co-presenters in the case of joint application) must be a member of BATJ and must register for the conference before Thursday, 30 June. Working languages: Japanese or English Application requirement: Papers in all categories should be relevant to Japanese language education in the UK and Europe and should not have been presented previously (the papers which indirectly contributes to the Japanese language education in the UK and Europe is also acceptable).
- Abstract Template
1. Research Presentation
Length: 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers (30 minutes in total) Content: Original academic research related to Japanese language or Japanese language education. The presentation should contribute to Japanese language education in a wider context.
2. Practical Report Presentation
Length: 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers (30 minutes in total) Content: Practical report related to Japanese language teaching and learning based upon class activities, teaching materials, assessments, course management, learner’s support, etc. The presentation should include clear descriptions of objectives, processes, learners’ feedback, analysis, reflection, etc., and contribute to Japanese language education in a wider context. Reference to theoretical background and previous research is encouraged.
3. Practical Report or Exploratory Research Poster Presentation
Length: 60 minutes poster time. Poster size: 1-2 pages of A4 size paper. Content: Practical Report on Japanese language teaching and learning based upon classroom activities, teaching materials, course management, learner’s support, etc. It should include clear descriptions of objectives, processes, learners’ feedback, analysis, reflection, etc., and contribute to Japanese language education in a wider context. Exploratory Research should also include reference to theoretical background and previous research with clear objectives, processes and results, and should contribute to Japanese language education in a wider context. In some cases, it is possible to use other display materials.
Important dates:
- Submission deadline: Saturday, 30 April 2022 - Peer review: anonymously peer-reviewed by two reviewers - Acceptance notifications to presenters: Mid-May 2022 - Early Bird registration: planned to open: June 2022 - Registration deadline for all presenters: Thursday, 30 June 2022
Abstract submission:
Please write the title and the abstract of your paper in both Japanese and English. 1. abstract in Japanese (max. 1,000 characters including references) 2. abstract in English (max. 500 words including references). Your abstract should be presented in Japanese first then English. Please use the attached example as a template.
- To preserve anonymity during the review process, no information from which the author may be identified (e.g., your name, name of university) should be included. - Your abstract should cover the following points in as much detail as possible:
1.Background and motivation for the study ---(Why did I/we start this study?) 2. Outline of the study ---Context of the study ---(e.g., the role of your teaching practice in the curriculum as a whole) ---Data collection methods, participants, data analysis procedures 3. Main results of the analysis
・When preparing your abstract, please note that you should state what you would like to claim in your paper (e.g., contribution to theory development, contribution to teaching practices, contribution to understanding learners).
*Incomplete abstracts, such as those missing either Japanese or English abstracts or reference lists, those exceeding the word/character limits, or those containing a large number of language errors, will not be reviewed.
*Due to the renewal of the BATJ website, the abstract needs to be submitted via the Google Form. Please click the following link and fill in the form. You can upload your abstract at the end of the form.
You can upload the abstract from your device, but if you are unable to do this, please upload it to your Google Drive first and then try it again on the Google Form. You can use Google Drive for free if you have a Gmail account.
The abstract submission link:
We look forward to seeing you online 2022!
Miho Inaba <chair @> Chair, British Association for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language (BATJ) |