Deadline: 23:59 Monday, 31 May 2021 (GMT)
Submission: Call for Papers for the 23rd Annual Conference has now closed.
- Abstract Template
Eligibility: Presenters must be a member of BATJ at the time of application. In the case of joint presentation, all presenters should be members of BATJ.
Working languages: Japanese or English
Papers in all categories should be relevant to Japanese language education in the UK and Europe and should not have been presented previously.
1. Research Presentation
Length: 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers (30 minutes in total)
Content: Original academic research related to Japanese language or Japanese language education. The presentation should contribute to Japanese language education in a wider context.
2. Practical Report Presentation
Length: 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers (30 minutes in total)
Content: Practical report related to Japanese language teaching and learning based upon class activities, teaching materials, assessments, course management, learner's support, etc. It should include clear descriptions of objectives, processes, learners' feedback, analysis, reflection, etc, and contribute to Japanese language education in a wider context. Reference to theoretical background and previous research would be encouraged.
3. Practical Report or Exploratory Research Poster Presentation
Length: 60 minutes poster time.
Poster size:Â Maximum 2 pages of A4 size paper
Content: Practical Report on Japanese language teaching and learning based upon classroom activities, teaching materials, course management, learner’s support, etc. It should include clear descriptions of objectives, processes, learners’ feedback, analysis, reflection, etc., and contribute to Japanese language education in a wider context. Exploratory Research should also include reference to theoretical background and previous research with clear objectives, processes and results, and should contribute to Japanese language education in a wider context. In some cases, it is possible to use other display materials.
*How to present your paper The presentations are planned to be delivered live, using the screen-sharing function on Zoom. Similarly, this function will also be used to undertake the poster presentations, where the presenters can zoom and enlarge the parts of their posters while communicating with the audience. We will inform the presenters of the details with the acceptance notifications in June.
Important dates:
- Submission deadline: Monday, 31 May 2021 - Peer review: anonymously peer-reviewed by two reviewers - Acceptance notifications to presenters: late June 2021 - Early Bird registration: planned to open late June 2021 - Registration deadline for all presenters:Â Monday, 26 July 2021
All presenters must complete the registration as well as the payment by 26th July 2021, otherwise your place may be given to another candidate.
Notes on abstract submission:
Your abstract should cover the three points listed below. You should submit your abstract both in Japanese (max. 1,000 characters including references) and in English (max. 500 words including references). To preserve anonymity during the review process, no information from which the author may be identified (e.g. your name, name of university) should be included.
Three points to cover in your abstract:
1. Main proposal and clear conclusion 2. Outline of evidence (empirical data, analysis, examples, etc.) 3. How the study contributes to Japanese language education
General enquiries:
Dr Miho Inaba e-mail: chair @
We look forward to seeing you online in September 2020!
Dr Miho Inaba Chair, British Association for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language (BATJ) |