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Programme for the 24th BATJ Annual Conference

The 24th BATJ Annual Conference Programme

Venue: School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University (66a Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AS)

Friday 9 September

Time Venue Zoom
12:00-12:30 Registration Foyer
12:30-12:50 Opening Ceremony 2.18 Main room
13:00-14:30 Keynote Speech
Dr Nana Sato-Rossberg
(Head of School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, SOAS, University of London)
"Decolonizing Translation Studies and Japanese Language Teaching in the UK"
2.18 Main room
14:30-14:55 Break Foyer
15:00-15:30 Room 1 Presentation 1 – Practical report (online)
Martin Ward (University of Leeds)
"Considering the Role and Value of COIL in Japanese to English Translation Pedagogy
- a practical report"
2.18 Breakout room 1
Room 2 Presentation 2 – Practical report (online)
Kazuko Sorensen (Formerly Royal Holloway London & Doshisha Women's College),
Noriji Fujimoto (Nevsehir Hacibektas Veli Universitesi),
Sachiko Hida (Formerly Siam University),
Keiko Ikeshiro (Formerly Oxford Brooks University),
Tomoko Miyairi (Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University),
Toshiko Ishizaki (Nagoya University) and
Kazue Koyama (Formerly Royal Holloway London)
"THE BIG TREE: Japanese for Business Communications"
2.24 Breakout room 2
15:35-16:05 Room 1 Presentation 3 – Practical report (online)
Naoko Takei (Simon Fraser University)
"The Effect of Auditory Learning: Transitioning from Listening to Speaking Ability"
2.18 Breakout room 1
Room 2 Presentation 4 – Practical report
Akihiko Shimizu (The University of Edinburgh) and
Fumiko Narumi (The University of Edinburgh)
"The Effects of the Summer Course for the UK University Offer Holders"
2.14 Breakout room 2
16:05-16:30 Break (16:15- introducing newly published books by Mr Masuda, JP Books) Foyer
16:30-17:30 BATJ Forum
“Class activities to promote Japanese culture and society”
2.18 Main room
17:30-18:30 Reception (TBD) Foyer
19:00- Conference Dinner (TBD)

Saturday 10 September

Venue Zoom
09:00-09:20 Registration Foyer
09:30-11:00 BATJ AGM 2.18
11:00-11:30 Break Foyer
11:30-12:30 Invited Speech
Dr Christopher Hood (Cardiff University)
"Japan Says Western Pop? No, Thanks, Don’t Do It" <abstract>
2.18 Main room
12:30-13:30 Lunch Foyer
13:30-14:00 Room 1 Presentation 5 – Practical report (online)
Yoshimi Yoshida (Waseda University)
"A Practical Report on a Class for Thinking about the Japanese Language
from a Pragmatic Perspective"
2.18 Breakout room 1
Room 2 Presentation 6 – Practical report
Saeko Ogiso (Ritsumeikan University) and
Miwako Kashiwagi (Ritsumeikan University)
"The Role of Japanese-English Bilingual Vocabulary Lists in
Intermediate Japanese Textbooks: An analysis of katakana words"
2.24 Breakout room 2
14:10-14:40 Room 1 Presentation 7 – Practical report (online)
Yukari Saiki (Tokai University)
"What is a Speech for Promoting Interactive Negotiation Skills of Beginning Learners?"
2.18 Breakout room 1
Room 2 Presentation 8 – Practical report (online)
Takuya Kojima (Nagasaki University)
"What Practicum Students Gains in Synchronous Online Teaching Experience
Considering the Future Teacher Education and Development"
2.24 Breakout room 2
14:40-15:10 Break Foyer
15:15-16:30 Workshop
Dr Nana Sato-Rossberg
(Head of School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, SOAS, University of London)
2.18 Main room
& Breakout room
16:30-16:45 Closing Ceremony 2.18 Main room
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